☆Hungary x Saint Marc Café☆

From May 20th, Choco-Cro with Hungarian 100% plum jam has started to sell at Saint Marc Cafes. Plum jam with an elegant aroma and sour-sweet taste and bitter taste chocolate make a great match! Hungarian plum, which is grown in a climate unique to Hungary and full of nutrition, has…

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Elisabeth (Musical)

The musical “Elisabeth” has been performed all over the world since its premiere in Vienna in 1992. In Japan, it was performed at the Takarazuka Revue in 1996. This work features Empress Elisabeth of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which existed at the end of the 19th century. This year, marking the…

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Articles about Hungary appeared in Vietnamese media

About Debrecen, Hungary https://kinhtethoidai.vn/debrecen-lot-top-nhung-diem-den-dau-tu-tot-nhat-the-gioi.html About the Hungarian doctor named Ignac Semmelweis, who discovered the importanting of handwashing and hand sanitizer http://www.doanhnhandoisong.vn/2021/04/ignac-semmelweis-cha-e-cua-phat-minh.html About Hungarian plum jam http://goctinmoi.com/mut-man-100-nguyen-chat-den-tu-szatmar-o-mien-dong-hungary-da-duoc-xuat-khau-thanh-cong-sang-nhat-ban-207174.html About recent years import-export between Hungary and Japan https://www.doisongphapluat.com/xa-hoi/hop-tac-hungary-nhat-ban-mang-lai-loi-ich-to-lon-cho-ca-hai-nuoc-a363701.html The japanese Saint Marc chain restaurant provides the Hungarian menu http://doanhnhan24h.net/tinh-huu-nghi-giua-chinh-phu-hungary-van-phong-dai-dien-cua-hepa-tokyo-garyutrading-va-tap-doan-saint-marc-da-bien-giac-mo-tro-thanh-hien-thuc-476.html

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Hungary’s vaccination rate ranks 5th among OECD

Hungary’s vaccination rate ranks 5th among the 37 member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). According to statistics from Oxford University, on April 20th this year, Hungary’s vaccination rate was 39.9%, behind Israel, UK, Chile and the US.

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The fourth Hungarian small satellite, SMOG-1 has been launched

The 5x5x5 cm SMOG-1 small satellite was developed by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics with the participation of students supported by the university`s instructors. It is equipped with a device for verifying electromagnetic smog as well as its exposure to ionizing radiation. Anyone can receive satellite signals. As…

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